Brothers I do not know where they all intend to implement this agreement. Some thoughts I have right now the guarantee should be for a half not 30 days. The bonus should be a bonus day for every day off on a 4 and 1 and/or 5 and 1 plus a bonus day for the half on top of all other earnings. This could be a possible 4 bonus days for a half. Maybe request an additional week vacation for anyone who stays marked up for the 30 days. For the 4 and 1 request 30 hours off instead of the 22.5. I think the language for lodging needs to be changed from anyone forced to anyone working more than 50 miles from their home terminal.
Everyone needs to understand if they are working you 16 hours plus tow in, then bringing you back after 10 undisturbed, it will be very hard to stay marked up for 30 days. Not only will it be hard it will be unsafe.
What is the Guarantee for pools? Same as extra boards? Would is apply to yard and locals?
If not bonus should apply to regular assignments as that also effects extra boards.
Other ideas…. I agree with you on the bonus days must per half, Additional bonus pay on top of bonus days for staying marked up the entire 30 days. Just throwing a amount of $1000.00 out there.
Allow any engineer with vacation scheduled during the 30 days to voluntarily be paid in lieu of and allow that engineer to float that week he did not use later in the year.
I like opening the door to guaranteed pools and work/rest cycles on the extra boards, however I am not a fan of giving CMS complete control.
I worry that they would adjust almost daily and with this setup you just tied up after working for 20 hours and ten hours later you’re forced to the next further point because that’s where you’re needed today.
The shortened bump I don’t think is a huge issue, with today’s technology and being able to see mobile boards I think it is outdated.
Overall, maybe we could use this to keep some of the stuff around, specifically guarantees and voluntary 4/5 and 1’s.
What will the impact be on Engineers that have vacation or pre approved days scheduled in their system be?
Dick, I think you’re right about the additional bonus days. Anyone who stays marked up the entire 30 days will exceed the G. The more $$$ we can get out of them the better.
We had an informative meeting tonight and another scheduled for 7am. So far comments and questions from members:
1) ask for continuous held away until departure
2) permanent guarantee for pools
4) how will extra board be utilized and staffed if not used to fill vacancies ?
5) does being bumped affect guarantee if move made within 12 hours ?
6) will carrier be allowed extensions past 30 day ? Can it be limited ?
7) will crews be allowed to stop at Casey’s in Fremont ( they asked so I put on list)
Other questions related to FRA emergency declaration :
1) minute for minute rest after 12hrs or 16hrs ?
2) how are additional miles claimed and paid when used on unfamiliar territory?
3) will carrier issue bulletin (superintendent or ?) on what paperwork is necessary (timetable, train list, subdivision GO, etc) for unknown and foreign railroads ?
This is a great opportunity to get some favorable agreements in place for our members, or at least open the door for them, if we play ball here. We could use this as a sort of test run for work/rest cycles. I don’t have any real issue with any of the proposed confessions, so long as we can get something in return on a permanent basis.
1)How will 72 hour layoffs (vacation) be handled with guarantee (pro rated or forfeit) and will scheduled / preapproved vacation PL days affect bonus ?
2) will engineers get free day ?
Could this agreement be available to other seniority districts?
How would the pools be regulated? Miles? Starts?
I would like to see certain days or advance notification of boards being cut, with the 12hr bump this would give people enough time to make plans to mark other boards.
Local Committee of Adjustment
S.C. Scott -President, C.A. Scott -Vice President, D.W. Bach -Chairman, Ross Grooters, 1st Vice Chairman/Legislative Rep.
BLET Union Pacific Northern Region GCA
501 North 2nd Street #2
Clinton IA 52732
30-Day Manpower Generation Agreement for Midwest Eastern 1 and Central 5
In response to Mr. Crows email sent 3/21/19 Division 778 has called an emergency meeting to discuss our opinions of the carrier’s 30-day proposal. After attending a meeting Division 6 held in Boone, IA and conducting a meeting for Division 778 immediately after in Des Moines, IA followed by another meeting this morning in Des Moines, IA, our concerns are as follows:
1. Will this agreement, after implemented, be used as prior operating practice once the agreement is fulfilled in its entirety?
2. Is this a one-time emergency agreement? Will the carrier use it for any emergency?
3. We would like to see a defined number of times or an absolute end date for this agreement to be extended before it becomes NULL and VOID.
4. Full disclosure of all monies or payment tiers (bonuses) involved PRIOR to entering agreement.
5. How is Limbo time accrued and applied to the 16hr work day? Is the 30-hour limbo time still an FRA limit? If we work 16 hours do you qualify for 14 hours rest as per RSIA?
6. What provisions are in place to run extra miles on foreign territories? (run miles, overtime)
7. After entering foreign territories, do we then establish seniority on that property?
8. Does exercising bump within contract limit affect guarantee or bonus day?
9. How does this agreement affect yard jobs and locals? Do they lose scheduled days off? Are they subject to road/yard work without the arbitraries? Do they fall under 4/1,5/1 rest? If Yard Jobs and Locals are subject to terms of this agreement (such as bump times, seniority restrictions and restricted penalties), they should also qualify for full guarantee and mark up bonus.
10. We would like to see if 12hr bump window can be negotiated to 36hr? If not, we would settle for 24hr.
11. We feel that the no pass up provision restricts seniority and be thrown out
12. We would like to see our turn only be held 1st out if exercising 4/1, 5/1 rest cycle, otherwise, turn goes out of town. This greatly hinders ability to make personal appointments/business.
13. Can we book extra rest? If so, we would like our turn to be held 1st out.
14. Preference would be for layoffs to be filled by extra board to prevent choosing either pool or extra board at random.
15. To ensure adequate rest with a 16-hour service waiver, call windows are requested.
16. Union officers MUST be able to lay off for union business. (maintain EAMS options on web site.
17. Does 4/1,5/1 rest-events affect guarantee, bonus days?
18. In regards to the forced engineer, will we follow current contract protocol?
19. Under General Committee Rules, Section 41 part (b), page 179, of BLET By Laws, Will the local chairman be required to sign off on final agreement?
These topics listed above are in no way more important than the monetary value offered and an absolute end date for use by the carrier.
In closing, these are the concerns of our local 778 emergency meetings. We had approximately 1/3 of our membership participate in the information listed above.
Fraternally Yours
Douglass W. Bach
Local Chairman Division 778
Tow in after 12 hours regardless of miles run, if we are actually gong to be working 16 hours a day we should see actually monies for the extra four hours. Continuous held away until departure time. Of territory-25 mile zone should be a basic days pay minimum. Greater than 25 miles from terminal should be an additional days pay. example…. If I were to go to MP 105 on Geneva sub, further east than the SMART-TD’s 25 mile zone, I should receive a second days pay for breaking the ‘secondary zone’. I think lodging is a good request, along the lines of what Dick is saying ‘working 50 miles or greater from normal home terminal’ not just for forced members. I like the 4/1 or 5/1 with bonus day plus bonus half pay for staying marked up. I love the additional weeks vacation, too. Bonus week to include yard engineers?
I have instructed my members to give up pool to go to extra board to protect their earnings. The carrier has expanded the extra board to accommodate the number of members doing so. Now they have given up their pool turn and the pools will now be given a temporary guarantee. Do I advise them to bid back or wait, thus allowing junior engineers get into the pool and they are locked out?
There is a lot great requests that have been posted already.
With both of our Boards (RE65/XE65) being Guaranteed already and flooding now starting in our location I hope they implement this Agreement in our location also.
1. Guarantee paid by the Half
2. Continuous Held Away
3. Lodging for anyone being forced to other locations
4. And yes any Bonuses
These requests have been posted already and will help in our location.
We have guarentee extra board and pool board but carrier controls the boards with stipulations, such as, if they add they must keep that job minimum of 10 days. If they cut the board they can add right back but whoever held that job previously has 4 days to claim it back.
Brothers I do not know where they all intend to implement this agreement. Some thoughts I have right now the guarantee should be for a half not 30 days. The bonus should be a bonus day for every day off on a 4 and 1 and/or 5 and 1 plus a bonus day for the half on top of all other earnings. This could be a possible 4 bonus days for a half. Maybe request an additional week vacation for anyone who stays marked up for the 30 days. For the 4 and 1 request 30 hours off instead of the 22.5. I think the language for lodging needs to be changed from anyone forced to anyone working more than 50 miles from their home terminal.
Everyone needs to understand if they are working you 16 hours plus tow in, then bringing you back after 10 undisturbed, it will be very hard to stay marked up for 30 days. Not only will it be hard it will be unsafe.
What is the Guarantee for pools? Same as extra boards? Would is apply to yard and locals?
If not bonus should apply to regular assignments as that also effects extra boards.
Other ideas…. I agree with you on the bonus days must per half, Additional bonus pay on top of bonus days for staying marked up the entire 30 days. Just throwing a amount of $1000.00 out there.
Allow any engineer with vacation scheduled during the 30 days to voluntarily be paid in lieu of and allow that engineer to float that week he did not use later in the year.
I like opening the door to guaranteed pools and work/rest cycles on the extra boards, however I am not a fan of giving CMS complete control.
I worry that they would adjust almost daily and with this setup you just tied up after working for 20 hours and ten hours later you’re forced to the next further point because that’s where you’re needed today.
The shortened bump I don’t think is a huge issue, with today’s technology and being able to see mobile boards I think it is outdated.
Overall, maybe we could use this to keep some of the stuff around, specifically guarantees and voluntary 4/5 and 1’s.
What will the impact be on Engineers that have vacation or pre approved days scheduled in their system be?
Dick, I think you’re right about the additional bonus days. Anyone who stays marked up the entire 30 days will exceed the G. The more $$$ we can get out of them the better.
We had an informative meeting tonight and another scheduled for 7am. So far comments and questions from members:
1) ask for continuous held away until departure
2) permanent guarantee for pools
4) how will extra board be utilized and staffed if not used to fill vacancies ?
5) does being bumped affect guarantee if move made within 12 hours ?
6) will carrier be allowed extensions past 30 day ? Can it be limited ?
7) will crews be allowed to stop at Casey’s in Fremont ( they asked so I put on list)
Other questions related to FRA emergency declaration :
1) minute for minute rest after 12hrs or 16hrs ?
2) how are additional miles claimed and paid when used on unfamiliar territory?
3) will carrier issue bulletin (superintendent or ?) on what paperwork is necessary (timetable, train list, subdivision GO, etc) for unknown and foreign railroads ?
This is a great opportunity to get some favorable agreements in place for our members, or at least open the door for them, if we play ball here. We could use this as a sort of test run for work/rest cycles. I don’t have any real issue with any of the proposed confessions, so long as we can get something in return on a permanent basis.
1)How will 72 hour layoffs (vacation) be handled with guarantee (pro rated or forfeit) and will scheduled / preapproved vacation PL days affect bonus ?
2) will engineers get free day ?
Could this agreement be available to other seniority districts?
How would the pools be regulated? Miles? Starts?
I would like to see certain days or advance notification of boards being cut, with the 12hr bump this would give people enough time to make plans to mark other boards.
Local Committee of Adjustment
S.C. Scott -President, C.A. Scott -Vice President, D.W. Bach -Chairman, Ross Grooters, 1st Vice Chairman/Legislative Rep.
BLET Union Pacific Northern Region GCA
501 North 2nd Street #2
Clinton IA 52732
30-Day Manpower Generation Agreement for Midwest Eastern 1 and Central 5
In response to Mr. Crows email sent 3/21/19 Division 778 has called an emergency meeting to discuss our opinions of the carrier’s 30-day proposal. After attending a meeting Division 6 held in Boone, IA and conducting a meeting for Division 778 immediately after in Des Moines, IA followed by another meeting this morning in Des Moines, IA, our concerns are as follows:
1. Will this agreement, after implemented, be used as prior operating practice once the agreement is fulfilled in its entirety?
2. Is this a one-time emergency agreement? Will the carrier use it for any emergency?
3. We would like to see a defined number of times or an absolute end date for this agreement to be extended before it becomes NULL and VOID.
4. Full disclosure of all monies or payment tiers (bonuses) involved PRIOR to entering agreement.
5. How is Limbo time accrued and applied to the 16hr work day? Is the 30-hour limbo time still an FRA limit? If we work 16 hours do you qualify for 14 hours rest as per RSIA?
6. What provisions are in place to run extra miles on foreign territories? (run miles, overtime)
7. After entering foreign territories, do we then establish seniority on that property?
8. Does exercising bump within contract limit affect guarantee or bonus day?
9. How does this agreement affect yard jobs and locals? Do they lose scheduled days off? Are they subject to road/yard work without the arbitraries? Do they fall under 4/1,5/1 rest? If Yard Jobs and Locals are subject to terms of this agreement (such as bump times, seniority restrictions and restricted penalties), they should also qualify for full guarantee and mark up bonus.
10. We would like to see if 12hr bump window can be negotiated to 36hr? If not, we would settle for 24hr.
11. We feel that the no pass up provision restricts seniority and be thrown out
12. We would like to see our turn only be held 1st out if exercising 4/1, 5/1 rest cycle, otherwise, turn goes out of town. This greatly hinders ability to make personal appointments/business.
13. Can we book extra rest? If so, we would like our turn to be held 1st out.
14. Preference would be for layoffs to be filled by extra board to prevent choosing either pool or extra board at random.
15. To ensure adequate rest with a 16-hour service waiver, call windows are requested.
16. Union officers MUST be able to lay off for union business. (maintain EAMS options on web site.
17. Does 4/1,5/1 rest-events affect guarantee, bonus days?
18. In regards to the forced engineer, will we follow current contract protocol?
19. Under General Committee Rules, Section 41 part (b), page 179, of BLET By Laws, Will the local chairman be required to sign off on final agreement?
These topics listed above are in no way more important than the monetary value offered and an absolute end date for use by the carrier.
In closing, these are the concerns of our local 778 emergency meetings. We had approximately 1/3 of our membership participate in the information listed above.
Fraternally Yours
Douglass W. Bach
Local Chairman Division 778
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tow in after 12 hours regardless of miles run, if we are actually gong to be working 16 hours a day we should see actually monies for the extra four hours. Continuous held away until departure time. Of territory-25 mile zone should be a basic days pay minimum. Greater than 25 miles from terminal should be an additional days pay. example…. If I were to go to MP 105 on Geneva sub, further east than the SMART-TD’s 25 mile zone, I should receive a second days pay for breaking the ‘secondary zone’. I think lodging is a good request, along the lines of what Dick is saying ‘working 50 miles or greater from normal home terminal’ not just for forced members. I like the 4/1 or 5/1 with bonus day plus bonus half pay for staying marked up. I love the additional weeks vacation, too. Bonus week to include yard engineers?
I have instructed my members to give up pool to go to extra board to protect their earnings. The carrier has expanded the extra board to accommodate the number of members doing so. Now they have given up their pool turn and the pools will now be given a temporary guarantee. Do I advise them to bid back or wait, thus allowing junior engineers get into the pool and they are locked out?
There is a lot great requests that have been posted already.
With both of our Boards (RE65/XE65) being Guaranteed already and flooding now starting in our location I hope they implement this Agreement in our location also.
1. Guarantee paid by the Half
2. Continuous Held Away
3. Lodging for anyone being forced to other locations
4. And yes any Bonuses
These requests have been posted already and will help in our location.
We have guarentee extra board and pool board but carrier controls the boards with stipulations, such as, if they add they must keep that job minimum of 10 days. If they cut the board they can add right back but whoever held that job previously has 4 days to claim it back.